News from the Kern Lab

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Woldring

Renee Otten
08 August 2019

Last week, July 31st, was Danny’s last day in the Kern lab. He has moved back already to Michigan and will soon start his new position as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Material Science at Michigan State University.

Cheers to Professor Danny and to successful research endeavors of the brand-new Woldring lab!

Allosteric Modulation of Kinase Activity

Renee Otten
26 June 2019

Another paper appears online ahead of print - the second one this week! Congratulations to several of our Kern lab alumni, especially shared first-authors Adelajda Zorba and Vy Nguyen, and current graduate student Chansik Kim on their publication entitled Allosteric Modulation of a Human Protein Kinase with Monobodies. Available now on the website of PNAS!

New Kern Lab Publication

Renee Otten
24 June 2019

Congratulations to shared first-authors John Stiller and Jordan Kerns (and all others involved) with their publication entitled Probing the Transition State in Enzyme Catalysis by High-Pressure NMR Dynamics. Available today, ahead of print, at the website of Nature Catalysis - unfortunately Brandeis University does not provide access to this masterpiece…..

New Lab Website

Renee Otten
01 June 2019

Thanks to the Fraser Lab for all their hard work writing code to make an awesome website. We just blatantly took all of it (of course with permission from James and in accordance with the MIT license) and adapted it to our needs.

MacKenzie and Andrew join the lab

Renee Otten
20 May 2019

MacKenzie Patterson and Andrew Glaser, students in the Biochemistry & Biophysics (BCPB) program, decided both to join the lab after a succesful rotation project. Welcome to the Kern-lab-family!