News from the Kern Lab

New Graduate Student - Welcome Christiana!

Renee Otten
28 May 2021

Christiana Ntangka joins the lab as a graduate studentin the Biochemistry & Biophysics (BCPB) program. Welcome to the Kern-Lab-Family!

Congratulations Joseph!

Renee Otten
25 May 2021

Joseph graduated last weekend with a BS in Biology and Biochemistry and a MS in Biology. He finished his research project in the Kern lab with an excellent thesis talk and we are sure he is fully prepared for his next step as a graduate student.

Congratulations, enjoy your break, and good luck in your PhD journey!

How directed evolution reshapes the energy landscape in an enzyme to boost catalysis

Renee Otten
23 November 2020

Our paper entitled “How directed evolution reshapes the energy landscape in an enzyme to boost catalysis” has appeared ahead of print on the Science website. In collaboration with the Hilvert lab @ ETH Zurich, we show the molecular origins of how directed evolution resulted in the fastest Kemp eliminase to-date. Congratulations to all involved!

Welcome Zach!

Renee Otten
19 October 2020

Zachary Boswell started as a postdoctoral fellow after graduating from Texas Tech University. Welcome to the Kern Lab!

Long overdue congratulations to Dr. Finneran

Renee Otten
27 September 2020

Congratulations to Dr. Patrick Finneran who successfully defended his PhD thesis already on August 17!

Patrick presented about “Resurrecting Ancient Kinases To Understand the Evolution of Kinase Specificity and Regulation” and did a terrific job explaining his thesis work to a large Zoom-audience.

Dr. Finneran started his new job as Senior Scientist Biophysics at Menten AI and on behalf of the Kern-lab family: best of luck to you in your new job and we know you’ll do great Patrick!