News from the Kern Lab

New Faces

Hannes Ludewig
28 July 2022

Over the last few Summer weeks we got to welcome our newest lab members. Please meet Hannah, Dolapo and Nicholas! We are excited to work with you. Welcome to the Kern lab!

Farewell Renee!

Hannes Ludewig
28 July 2022

Last month we had to say goodbye to Renee! We are sad to see you go, but are excited for your new adventures and will be forever grateful for all that you have done for the lab. Keep in touch!

Congratulations Dr. Bannister

Hannes Ludewig
28 July 2022

Congratulations Dr. Austin Bannister who succesfully defendend his PhD thesis this spring! Best of luck at your new position at RADD Pharmaceuticals!

Good bye Zach and Ning! Welcome Camille!

Hannes Ludewig
25 May 2022

Zachary Boswell and Warintra Pitsawong leave us for endeavours in industry. And we welcome Camille Sullivan as a graduate student to the lab. Welcome to the Kern-Lab-Family!

The Lanthanide Project is published!

Renee Otten
09 March 2022

The paper “Structure determination of high-energy states in a dynamic protein ensemble” that describes methodology to combine pseudo contacts shifts and CPMG relaxation dispersion experiments to determine high-energy protein structures has appeared in Nature.

Congratulations to first-author John Stiller and everyone else involved on a great story. The project was a collaboration with Doug Theobald at Brandeis University and Daniel Häussinger’s lab at the University of Basel, Switzerland.

Click on this link for the full article and/or read the Research Briefing: ‘Determining the structure of fleeting protein states’.